Kali ni Kak As nak cerita pasal makanan yang memberi kebaikan kepada penyakit kanser. Maklum sekarang ni tiap2 hari kita dengar ramai sahabat, saudara-mara atau orang2 terkenal yang mengidap penyakit merbahaya ini. Ada yang masih berjuang menentang kanser, ada yang telah sembuh sepenuhnya (Alhamdulillah) dan ada yang ditakdirkan meninggal dunia kerana penyakit ini.
Kos perubatan yang mahal serta prosidur rawatan yang menyakitkan menyebabkan semua orang gerun dengan penyakit ni. Kak As kadang2 sesak dada mendengar kawan2 menceritakan betapa peritnya menjalani pembedahan dan rawatan chemotherapy.
Ok jom kita kongsikan maklumat yang Kak As dapat dari kawan Kak As. maaf yer ... artikel ni dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Kos perubatan yang mahal serta prosidur rawatan yang menyakitkan menyebabkan semua orang gerun dengan penyakit ni. Kak As kadang2 sesak dada mendengar kawan2 menceritakan betapa peritnya menjalani pembedahan dan rawatan chemotherapy.
Ok jom kita kongsikan maklumat yang Kak As dapat dari kawan Kak As. maaf yer ... artikel ni dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Malaysia Breast Cancer Network - Anticancer Foods
Green Tea - Reduces the growth of the new vessels needed for tumor growth and metastases. Japanese green tea (Sencha, Gyokuro, Matcha, etc.) is more effective than Chinese green tea.
Tumeric and Curry - the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory identified today. It also helps stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibits angiogenesis. In laboratory, it enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces tumor growth. note: to be assimilated by the body, tumeric must be mixed with black powder (not simply with peppers). Ideally it must also be dissolved in oil (olive, canola or linseed oil).
Ginger - acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. It also helps reduce the creation of new blood vessels. A ginger infusion also helps alleviate nausea from chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Cruciform Vegetables - Cabbages (Brussels sprouts, bok choi, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) contain anticancer molecules which are capable of detoxifying certain carcinogenic substances. They prevent pre-cancerous cells from developing into malignant tumors. They also promote the suicide of cancer cells and block angiogenesis.
Garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, chives - The sulfur compounds of this family reduce the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines and n-nitroso compounds, which are created in over-grilled meat and during tobacco combustion. They promote cell death in colon, breast, lung, and prostate cancer, as well as in leukemia.
Vegetables and Fruits Rich in Carotenoids - Carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, certain varieties of potimarron squash (also known as Hokkaido squash), tomatoes, persimmons, apricots, beetroot and all the bright-colored fruits and vegetables (orange, red, yellow, green) contain vitamin A and lycopene, which have the proven capacity to inhibit the growth of cells of several cancer lines, some of which are particularly aggressive (such as brain gliomas).
Tomatoes - It has been proven that lycopene in tomatoes leas to longer survival from prostate cancer in men who consumed tomato sauce in at least two meals a week. note: tomatoes must be cooked in order to release their lycopene. Moreover, olive oil improves its assimilation.
Soy - Soy isoflavones (including genistein, daidzein and glycitein) block the simulation of cancer cells by sex hormones (such as oestrogens and testosterone). They also intervene by blocking angiogenesis. note: Isoflavone supplements (in pill form) have been associated with an aggravation of certain breast cancers, but not soy taken in as food. Furthermore, in many areas of the world today, soy is grown from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The impact of these genetically-modified plants on cancer growth is unknown.
Mushrooms - Shiitake, maitake, enoki, crimini, portabello, oyster mushroom and thistle oyster mushrooms, and trametes (coriolus) all contain polysaccharides and lentinian, which stimulate the reproduction and the activity of immune cells. These mushrooms are often used in Japan as a complement to chemotherapy to support the immune system.
Herbs and Spices - Herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil and mint promote apoptosis in cancer cells and reduce their speed by blocking the enzymes they need to invade neighboring tissues. Carnosol in rosemary is also a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Its capacity to enhance the effectiveness of certain chemotherapies has been demonstrated. Parsley and celery contain apigenin, an anti-inflammatory that promotes apoptosis and blocks angiogenesis using a mechanism similar to Gleevec's.
Seaweed - Several varieties of seaweed commonly eaten in Asia contain molecules that slow cancer growth, especially breast, prostate, skin and colon cancer.
Omega-3s - Long-chain omega-3s found in fatty fish reduce inflammation. In cell cultures, they reduce cancer cell growth in a large number of tumors (lung, breast, colon, prostate, kidney, etc.). They also act to reduce the spread of tumors in the form of metastases.
Sebahagian kita sukar mendapatkan makanan yang disebutkan di atas atau mungkin kurang mahir menyediakan makanan tersebut. macam kebanyakan sayur, tidak sesuai untuk dimasak lama dalam sup atau secara goreng ... sepertimana yang Kak As selalu masak, goreng belacan ler, goreng sos tiram ler ... memang sedap tapi semua sayur jadi kecut. Lebih sesuai celor atau makan mentah jer supaya khasiatnya tak hilang.
Selain mengambil makanan tersebut dalam kuantiti yang banyak, adalah baiknya kita mengambil supplement sebagai tambahan. Terdapat pelbagai produk Shaklee yang dapat menampung keperluan kepada khasiat makanan di atas ;
Green Tea - terdapat dalam CINCH ENERGY TEA MIX
Ginger - terdapat dalam PEPPERMINT-GINGER PLUS
Garlic - terdapat dalam GARLIC COMPLEX
Sayur kaya Carotenoid, Cruciform vegetables dan Seaweed - terdapat dalam CAROTOMAX
Soya - terdapat dalam ESP (Soy Protein Isolate Powder yang diproses dpd soya non.GMO)
Herbs & Spices - rosemary dan spearmint juga terdapat di dalam GARLIC COMPLEX
Omega 3 - terdapat dalam OMEGA GUARD
Selain dpd itu, beberapa supplement Shaklee juga didapati amat membantu untuk pesakit2 kanser atau mereka yang percaya "mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati" seperti :
VITAMIN C PLUS - mengandungi antioksidan yg kuat utk memelihara kesihatan sel2
NUTRIFERON - meningkatkan pengeluaran interferon tubuh yg sangat penting utk sistem imun
VIVIX - kaya dengan khasiat antioksidan yg mengawal sel dari serangan radikal bebas
VITAMIN E & SELENIUM - kaya dengan antioksidan
Begitulah, setiap benda yang Allah jadikan di mukabumi ini pasti ada tujuan dan kegunaannya selama mana tidak disalahgunakan. Pasal apa Kak As kata macam pokok poppy. Sekiranya penggunaan disalahgunakan ianya boleh bertukar menjadi dadah merbahaya saperti morfin. namun jika diguna secara beretika, morfin ini penting untuk tujuan perubatan, malah boleh menjadi bahan masakan yang menyedapkan.
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bun dengan biji poppi - yummy |
Ok, sekiranya uoll ada sebarang pertanyaan tentang produk Shaklee di atas boleh hubungi Kak As bila2 masa pun .... khidmat nasihat PERCUMA jer you!!
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